Ottone in Poppea

West edge opera

“Ottone, gracefully sung by Michael Skarke.”

- Nicholas Jones, San Francisco Classical Voice 

“Countertenor Michael Skarke as Ottone, caught up in the ongoing machinations, delivered his part handsomely.

- Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle

Alceste in ercole

pacific opera project 2023

“His warriors… and Alceste (Michael Skarke, a sexy, strong countertenor) is smitten with the Amazonian women.”

- Tony Frankel, Stage and Cinema LA

“Countertenor Michael Skarke stood out with a miraculous voice.”

- V. Cate, Stage Raw LA

“Logan Webber (Ercole) and his Greek gang — Michael Skarke (Alceste), Manfred Anaya (Telemone) — parade with amusing flair.”

- Mark Swed, LA Times

Ottone in poppea

Haymarket opera 2022

“The Ottone was honey-toned countertenor Michael Skarke.”

- Opera News

“Michael Skarke was a superb Ottone, singing with a light yet refined countertenor and somehow making this weak, lovelorn character credible and appealing.”

- Lawrence A. Johnson, Chicago Classical Review

“In the two main supporting roles, Ottone and Drusilla, countertenor Michael Skarke and soprano Kristin Knutson upheld the show’s high vocal standard as well as its credible personifications.”

- Lawrence B. Johnson, Classical Voice North America

Arsamene in serse Opera neo - 2021

“Countertenor Michael Skarke as Arsamene brought equal finesse to his florid romantic effusion for Romilda, but proved even more compelling in his lyrical laments over his separation from her by his brother’s royal decree.”

- Ken Herman, San Diego Story

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ixion in orphée aux enfers American Baroque opera 2019

“The Underworld sufferers Énone, Ixion and Tantale were exquisitely voiced by Shelbi Herndon, Michael Skarke and Eric Laine.”

- Scott Cantrell, The Dallas Morning News


endimione in la calisto opera neo 2019

“Countertenor Michael Skarke offered gleaming cantabile lines appropriate for the young swain Endimione.”

- Ken Herman, San Diego Story

“Other standouts are… and countertenor Michael Skarke as the shepherd/poet Endymion.”

- Pam Kragen, San Diego Union Tribune


“qual nave smarrita”-

aria marathon opera neo

“Countertenor Michael Skarke brought us into the realm of high Baroque opera with his elegant interpretation of “Qual nave smarrita” from Handel’s Radamisto. His strong dramatic presence and the shimmering focus of his voice will surely blossom as Endimione in Cavalli’s La Calisto.”

- Ken Herman, San Diego Story

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corindo in l’orontea haymarket opera 2019

“TEoVAC is forecasting a huge career for counter-tenor Michael Skarke, who is still completing his Bachelor’s degree at Baylor University in Texas. With movie star good looks, an athlete’s physique, a palpable passion for singing, and an exquisite, almost ethereal tone quality that comes as a shock to the listener, Skarke already demonstrates the qualities that are a director’s fantasy.”

- Oliver Camacho, Vocal Arts Chicago